2 Month Stats

by admin on February 10, 2006

Sam had her two month appointment yesterday. She is now 10lbs, 6oz, and 22 1/4 inches! I thought she would be a little bit bigger but it actually makes sense. The Doctor said she is in the 50th percentile for heigth and weight, so she is smack in the middle.  She is ‘talking’ to us now by cooing and responding to us when we talk to her. It’s the cutest thing. She is also smiling quite a bit, can control her head, and *loves* to stand on our laps while we hold her up. Her favorite position is to be draped over a shoulder while we walk in circles around the house until she falls asleep for nap time. 🙂 Although last week I realized I have this amazing thing called a swing and she actually falls asleep in it! Wow! It’s my  new favorite toy.

I downloaded some new pictures from the past few weeks, so here they are (you will need to sign in to KodakGallery).

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