
by admin on August 16, 2005

“Bonk, Bonk, Bonk!” – This is what I will say to Justin periodically as I feel Peanut Butter Cup smacking me around from inside my tummy. 🙂 The poor guy (Justin, actually) will run over and put his hand on my belly really quickly to see if he can feel it! Sadly, he can’t. It’s usually because if Skittles is being active s/he will kick hard enough to feel on the outside about once every 10 minutes. I keep telling him to be patient… Other than that, I think s/he is just doing somersaults. It’s extremely cool though. I can now finally say I feel kicks. Before it was one a day maybe… now it is a good five or six smacks all right in a row, or movement during a particular time of day.  Snickers seems to like 10am, 12:30, 4pm, 8pm, and the lovely 4:30am.  Although, generally it’s right after I eat except for the early morning bathroom run where I wake him/her up.

Today was another doctor appointment. Nothing much new. Gained weight. 🙂 As always… The nurse gave me the flat sugar high drink that I must take after fasting for four hours. Then, after I drink this wonderful pure sugar drink they will take my blood to make sure my sugars aren’t extremely high. Something about gestational diabetes… Bleah. We will just cross our fingers that I don’t have to go through that. 🙂 A woman in our Bradley Class has had it since the beginning and the poor girl can’t eat cereal! Or popcorn! Probably not even pizza! The horror… I have two or three more weeks for that though.

More about the doctor appointment… the nurse (I’ve talked about her before) is so cute and nice. I really like her. I do. Except for the fact she can never find the heartbeat. 🙂 She felt around for about five minutes and could find my heartbeat just perfect! (Just like before! hehe)  She started to time it and think it MAY POSSIBILY be the babies… but no way. I remember what that heartbeat sounded like and she didn’t find it.  In comes Dr. Fee (30 min later…) and shakes our hand, says hi, and pushes me back down to measure my tummy (which she says is growing perfectly – all those bacon cheeseburgers – yum!) and then gets out her doppler. The second (literally!) she puts it on my tummy you can hear the crazy wild heartbeat of our baby in there. I don’t know how she does it but I feel like I’m in such good hands with Dr. Fee.  Our baby may be stubborn with Daddy but she knows not to mess around with Dr. Fee.  I love hearing our babies heartbeat. It reminds me of the times my Mom would come in my room when I would be semi-sleeping to put her hand over my heart to make sure it was still beating and I was still breathing and alive. You know, just in case. 🙂 I just know I will do the same thing to my child when they arrive though. Probably even when they are 18, just like my Mom did to me.

The nursery is coming along. I added a new button to the website if you haven’t noticed it yet. I’m trying to update it every day that Pam (Mural Magic on the Wall) comes over to paint. I can’t wait for the whole thing to be finished.

We also went baby registering a few weeks ago. That was SO MUCH FUN although… I think Justin and I have different views of ‘fun’. I think it is SO MUCH FUN to look at all six baby bathtubs and think which one will be best for our use. He thought it was fun to use the label gun. There really are so many choices. 🙂 You have the slanting ones at different angles, the ones that can fit under the sink for the first few weeks, the ones that have a water handle to spray water on your baby, the ones that have a hammock when they are small enough… 🙂 I’m sure you get the picture. That’s just on baby bathtubs too… Don’t get me started on bottles! Although I really need to do more research on Advent and Dr. Brown, hmm… Oh yes, so as I start gazing at the first bathtub reading all the little details, Justin was right there behind me with the label gun from Babies R Us saying, ‘That one, then?’. I felt CHEATED. I wanted to read ALL the labels on the bathtubs! hehehe – I asked him the other day if I could go by myself to Target to start a smaller registry since it was closer to our house and had more of a selection of bath towels and clothes that BRU just didn’t have. Sadly (for me), Justin STILL wants to take part in registering for more things even though I thought I had tortured him enough during our six hours at Babies R Us.  Do you think I can get him to go with me to Escada after the baby is born for shopping for me? Hmm… He seems to like shopping a lot! haha 🙂 I’m waiting for the day Justin logs on to blog some of his thoughts instead of leaving this baby journal all to me.  I’m pretty sure he’s reading it! Still though, SHOPPING.. I should be able to BROWSE! For HOURS! It’s the law for women!

The last thing I will leave you with… some of the baby sites I have been browsing through. I will only give you a few.

Name Voyager – This is an awesome site. Make sure you can view java though. At the top of the page you start typing in a name (make sure it’s where the blinking cursor is) and it will tell you (in millions) how popular the baby name is. It’s really cool!

Scott Household – I’m not sure what to say about this site. I am compelled to check it every few days to see if Jenny has posted another update. I don’t know Jenny, or her family, but I heard about this site from another baby chat board. Jenny’s baby, Allie, was born in Dec of 2003 and was diagnosed with Leukemia in May of 2004. Allie passed away in Sept of 2004. I wasn’t reading her blog when her baby died but she has kept all her posts on her website. The sheer emotion that pours out of that writing is amazing. It’s chilling.  I read the whole thing a few months ago shortly after I found out I was PG. Jenny is PG with another baby, another girl, and is due a few weeks before me. Her posts now are just as amazing as she is getting ready for another child and hoping for a healthy one. It may be morbid for me to read all about a new baby who was diagnosed with Cancer but it doesn’t scare me for my baby. I really just am amazed at the strength of Jenny and her family. 🙂 I typed a lot for not knowing what to say but I wanted to share that site.  It makes you wonder if saving your babies cord blood would be a good thing to do ‘just in case’.

From Waddle to Swaddle – This is another blog from a person who is due a few weeks before me. This blog is hysterical though. Dad found it and pointed it out to me so I have been keeping up with Kimber Jean. She seems to echo a lot of my thoughts but gets her point across in such a funny way.

That’s all for now. 🙂 I thought we had more ‘boy’ guesses than girls but you wouldn’t know it from the chart! My guess? Well, I have no idea… But I do think Snickers is going to pop on December 20th. Yep, a full week late. Somehow I just know that I will be all prepared two months early and the little sucker will come a week late. Then, the hospital stay for three days… and then getting out JUST in time for Christmas.

– Kristi

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