Passing the Glucose Test

by admin on September 23, 2005

Well, our last doctor appointment was on 9/16 and it went great! Nothing to big going on. My next doctor appointment is in three weeks, after which we start going every single week.  The biggest news is that I perfectly passed my glucose test! Woohoo! I was a 103 and they like to see it between 60 and 150. So exciting! No more blood until the actual hospital. And we just won’t think of that right now…

A few people were asking me where we are registered! Thank you! We are actually registered at and also which is right around the corner from us. Some of the baby clothes don’t come up on the online versions which was annoying but since we don’t know what sex the baby is anyway, I supposed that can wait until later! Those yellow jumpers get kind of interesting looking after you keep looking at them over and over again. 🙂

We got the glider put together and the crib! It looks goregous! Here are some pictures. I need to get the bedding. Probably tan.. I’m waiting for the fabric ‘swatches’ to check out a few colors.

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