Dr Appt – Where is that Baby?

by admin on December 8, 2005

Whew – We had a great doctor’s appointment! The internal was very quick and she didn’t try anything evil. 🙂 Always happy about that! I am:

80% effaced
2 cent. dialated
“Baby” is at -2 station

This means that I have definitely made some progress from last last week! Which is awesome! Once I’m 100% effaced, then I can really start dialating so it’s nice to hear that I’m 80%.  If you are 4 cent or less dialated, then they send you home from the hospital, so being at 2 is an acceptable number.  For the ‘station’, babies are usually at -3 station. As they start to move down, they go to -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, and 3 is when the baby is crowning.  So going to -2 from last week’s -3 means the baby is starting to drop. We are definitely getting closer!

Dr. Fee then sat down to talk about what our plans are for next week. We talked about inducing with this type of gel that they put in around your cervix. It’s much more natural than pitocin and you don’t have to be hooked up to an IV or anything.  What we are going to do is on Tuesday, go in for a NST (Non-Stress Test) where I lay on my side for 15 minutes and listen to the heartbeat.  After the NST, we are going to get an ultrasound (we are NOT going to look at the sex! LOL) to take note of the weight (which can be off by 1 lbs or 1 1/2 lbs) and how much fluid is in there.  Making sure there is enough fluid is important (or if there is to much, that might be bad as well).  After we have the ultrasound then we will see Dr. Fee and talk to her about when to go in and do the whole ‘gel’ inducement thing.

We are thinking of possibily doing the gel inducement on Thursday to see if that does anything. Apparently you go in to the out-patient place at St. Joe’s and they put in the gel and monitor you for two hours. If your labor doesn’t start right then, you just go home.  You can then walk around, etc.

If that doesn’t do anything then we will probably have to talk about going into the hospital on the 19th or 20th for pitocin to really start labor. We shall see.

Hopefully it won’t come to that though.

Right now, I’ve been getting more contractions all day… About one an hour. Some are strong and others are just tiny ones.  You can have these types of things for days but it’s nice to have more progress.


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