35 Weeks

by admin on November 4, 2005

Today is our 5th anniversary! Wow! Five years, it’s been quite a long time. It flew by though!

Speaking of flying by, I had a doctor appt today! The nurse tried to convince me I was 35 weeks and 2 days. I told her that I was 34 weeks and two days, thank you very much! They still had my old due date of 12/7/05 in their system. (Why does this matter? They start internals at 35 weeks! LOL – I wanted my extra week! For any men reading this, don’t even try to think what that means, ok?) The nurse found the heartbeat very quickly. I think it’s slightly hard to miss at this point. We were able to listen to it for quite a long time, so that was exciting. She said the heartbeat was 144. Some people say that the higher the heartbeat means a girl, the lower it is means a boy. For babies (since heartbeats are always fast), 140 is about average. Lower than 140 *could* mean a boy and higher than 140 *could* mean a girl. These are just old-wives tales though. It’s funny that 144 is basically SMACK in the middle. There is an online gender predictor that I have filled out 4 or 5 times so far and everytime it’s sooo close to 50% boy/50% girl. Argh! hehe – That goes with my feelings though. I have no idea! First I was thinking a boy, then for about three months I was thinking a girl, lately I’ve been thinking a boy because I feel more ‘basketball-ish’ instead of ‘watermellon-ish’ and *everyone* knows that if you look like a basketball, it’s a boy! LOL – I should really stop reading those things…

Ok, I had to take it again (It’s been a few months – and things always change!)
52% Boy – 47% Girl

Argh! Ok, now I really need to stop.

So, Dr. Fee comes into the room and looks so cheerful talking about the fact it’s November now! She sits down and start asking about aches and pains.  Well, yes, I HAVE been a bit more cranky and feeling more pelvic pain lately, thankyouverymuch. I was telling her that I haven’t been doing to much exercising though (and whenever I go to yoga – I always do feel better). We have had SUCH a busy two weeks though. Work has been busy. We also went to two concerts, Las Vegas, Big Bear, it was Justin’s birthday, and we just did a lot of *walking* around (I’d say running – but HA HA!). Last night we were at the first Laker home game of the season and the whole last half I was feeling my belly cramp up and it would come in waves. It was really weird. It felt just like cramping, which I have been getting if I walk a long distance, or during yoga class doing any hard moves. Last night I was trying to figure out if it was just cramps, or if I was feeling Braxton Hicks. (BHs are contractions that don’t really make anything happen ~ baby-wise ~ they are extremely common and can start around 20 weeks sometimes.) I always thought that during BH or regular contractions that your WHOLE belly would tighten up, and last night it was just the lower part – which has been normal during walking, etc.. After I started paying attention though, the ‘cramping’ would come in waves every five or ten minutes.  It would be there the whole time but sharper cramps were coming along in those waves. So, I was asking Dr. Fee if this was just cramping, or if she thought it was BH?

She smiled a bit and said, well, it sounds like it but we probably won’t be calling those Braxton Hicks for long – we’ll be calling those contractions! She went on to say that all of my bones are basically loosening and letting the baby come down and drop. She said, “I definitely recommend you keep walking a great deal and doing yoga!” – “Even though it’s making me cramp up (or have contractions – basically)?” – Dr. Fee: “Oh definitely! That will start stimulating *things* and getting the baby ready!”

Yikes! Getting the baby ready? To come out?? Reality sets in… LOL – I told her we better go get our car seat now! We can’t leave the hospital without it!

Having your professional doctor tell you that if the baby comes next week, she is going to ‘let it come out’ was rather scary sounding! I was just congratulating myself last week on being pretty calm and not anxious at all (wondering WHEN it would come, etc. etc.) and today, I’m feeling slightly anxious! LOL – She also measured me and said (again) I was measuring perfectly and I had done such a great job of keeping my weight down. (Again, HA HA! I gained four pounds in the past two weeks! LOL – But technically, it hasn’t been that bad, so yea for me.) She was poking and proding and said that while she obviously won’t be able to tell if I come early or late, it ‘feels’ like I will be having around a 7lb baby which would be wonderful. She also said at the next appointment she would be able to give us a better ‘time’ of when the baby might possibly come. Right now, we should expect anywhere from 1 – 1 12 weeks around the due date.

Now, all of this is GENERAL stuff that your doctor should be preparing you for but YIKES! 🙂 We are going shopping tomorrow to pick up our car seat from Babies R Us and a few other things that we feel are essential if the baby comes in the next few weeks. I also just ordered the baby bedding today for the crib (another important item).  I need to sit down and finish my admission papers for the hospital as well.

Right now, the last thing we are waiting for is what pediatrition to select. We have interviewed two but the one that we have the most recommendations for, we can’t see until Nov 16th. So, I will have the hospital work done and sitting on our table and on the 16th we can make our final decision and ship those papers to the hospital so we won’t have any admissions problems!

Making progress on Baby Snickers…

Oh yes, Dr. Fee said she would see me in one week or two, she would leave it up to me. I choose two weeks because we are going up to Big Bear next weekend and if she does anything ‘internal’ that makes any progress, I really wouldn’t want to go up to Big Bear! hehe – So, might as well start that after. Our next doc appt is on November 17th.

I updated the belly page as well (click on Belly Pics on the left).
I’m actually starting to get pretty big!

More later..

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